I went to Disneyland not too long ago.

I love Disneyland.

Here are a few shots I took with my point and shoot.  I always fight with myself about whether or not to bring my SLR or just stick with my handy dandy p & s. I wanted to hit up the rides more than I wanted to get photos, so the p & s won out this trip. But I think I didn’t do too bad with the few shots I got! (:

This is probably one of my new most favorite shots of the Castle! The sunlight hit it just right.


Oh Matterhorn with your crazy neck breaking turns! Loooove it! (:


Once again, that sunlight touching Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse just perfectly!


Sorry, that’s about all I got…oh wait!! How can I forget! I MET MY FAVORITE DISNEY CHARACTER!! hahaha!




It was the end of the night, it was cold and I was probably wearing 5-7 layers (no joke), buuuuuut a hug and fun picture with Goofy was a perfect way to end a cold night!

Categories: Personal, Travel
  • Dad says:

    which one is “Goofy?” I love you, dear!

    (April 28, 2011 at 5:26 pm)
    • Lori says:

      That’s jacked up! haha!

      (April 30, 2011 at 11:29 pm)