I love music.

The entire time I have been rebuilding my website, I was going back and forth over what music to use. Do I add music at all?

Well, I decided to go with music I’ve been listening to a lot lately and put it into a play list.

I know what you are thinking, “What!? Lori, there is a lot of different music genres, some happy, some kinda downers (haha), some fast and slow, it doesn’t make sense. It’s all over the place.” I was constantly changing around the playlist. Even after I screen shot this picture, I added two more songs to it, and took one out.

There are some songs for certain times in life. I would hope everyone’s life soundtrack is constantly changing.

Aaaand sometimes songs are just fun to car dance to.

The new website will be up by the end of this week!! Keep a look out!

Categories: Music, Personal
  • Marin says:

    What’s up Lori?!? I hope you are good girl! I haven’t seen you in for.e.vah. LOL! Just wanted to give you my 2 cents on music on a webpage. HATE! IT! If I am already listening to something, I do not want to have to find someone’s player to stop it. Just my thought. You could include it but maybe not have it automatically play. Then if your play list is good, I will listen to that instead of my own. Hahaha!!! Love ya!

    (January 21, 2011 at 5:01 pm)